
Nichtbibliographische Identnummer

engl.: Other Standard Identifier Definition: IdNr, die nicht in einem der vorgesehenen Felder untergebracht werden kann MARC21 024 Other Standard Identifier (R) Subfields: $a Standard recording code $c Terms of availability $d Additional codes following the standard number or code $z Cancelled/invalid standard code (R) $2 Source of code or number $6 Linkage Indic/etc.: 1st: Type of standard number or code 0 International Standard Recording Code 1 Universal Product Code 2 International Standard Music Number 3 International Article Number 4 Serial Item and Contribution Identifier 7 Source specified in subfield $2 8 Unspecified type of standard number or code 2nd: Difference indicator # No information provided 0 No difference 1 Difference

2004 -02 -09
Auszug aus der allegro - Formatedatenbank
(c)2004 UB Braunschweig