
Serien-Nebeneintragung unter Körperschaft

engl.: Series added entry - corporate name/title Definition: Erfassung des Gesamtwerks in Form eines mehrteiligen Urheberwerks, kennzeichnet bei MARC-Daten eine Stücktitelaufnahme. Es gibt dann keine Gesamtaufnahme! MARC21 410 Series Statement/Added Entry--Corporate Name (R) Subfields: $a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element $b Subordinate unit (R) $c Location of meeting $d Date of meeting or treaty signing (R) $e Relator term (R) $f Date of a work $g Miscellaneous information $k Form subheading (R) $l Language of a work $n Number of part/section/meeting (R) $p Name of part/section of a work (R) $t Title of a work $u Affiliation $v Volume number/sequential designation $x International Standard Serial Number $4 Relator code (R) $6 Linkage Indic/etc.: 1st: Type of corporate name entry element 0 Inverted name 1 Jurisdiction name 2 Name in direct order 2nd: Pronoun represents main entry 0 Main entry not represented by pronoun 1 Main entry represented by pronoun MARC21 810 Series Added Entry--Corporate Name (R) Subfields: $a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element $b Subordinate unit (R) $c Location of meeting $d Date of meeting or treaty signing (R) $e Relator term (R) $f Date of a work $g Miscellaneous information $h Medium $k Form subheading (R) $l Language of a work $m Medium of performance for music (R) $n Number of part/section/meeting (R) $o Arranged statement for music $p Name of part/section of a work (R) $r Key for music $s Version $t Title of a work $u Affiliation $v Volume number/sequential designation $4 Relator code (R) $6 Linkage Indic/etc.: 1st: Type of corporate name entry element 0 Inverted name 1 Jurisdiction name 2 Name in direct order 2nd: Undefined; contains a blank (#) UKMARC 810 Corporate series added entry heading Subfields: $v number within series Indic/etc.: Subfields ansonsten wie in 710 tritt nur auf, wenn 490 (mit Indic.1=1) oder 532 besetzt

2004 -02 -09
Auszug aus der allegro - Formatedatenbank
(c)2004 UB Braunschweig