
Benutzungsbeschränkung; Geheimhaltungsangaben

engl.: Restrictions on access Definition: Lizenzrechtliche oder sicherheitsbezogene Einschränkungen der Benutzung MARC21 355 Security Classification Control (R) Subfields: $a Security classification $b Handling instructions (R) $c External dissemination information (R) $d Downgrading or declassification data $e Classification system [NEW] $f Country of origin code $6 Linkage Indic/etc.: 1st: Controlled element 0 Document 1 Title 2 Abstract 3 Contents note 4 Author 8 Other element 2nd: Undefined; contains a blank (#) MARC21 506 Restrictions on Access Note (R) Subfields: $a Terms governing access $b Jurisdiction (R) $c Physical access provisions (R) $d Authorized users (R) $e Authorization (R) $u Uniform Resource Identifier $3 Materials specified $5 Institution to which field applies $6 Linkage

2004 -02 -09
Auszug aus der allegro - Formatedatenbank
(c)2004 UB Braunschweig