
MARC21       768     Citation and Precedence Order Instructions (R)
             $a   Classification number--single number or beginning number of span (R)
             $c   Classification number--ending number of span (R)
             $e   Example class number (R)
             $i   Explanatory text (R)
             $j   Caption (R)
             $n   Negative example class number (R)
             $t   Topic used as example of citation and precedence order instruction
             $x   Exception to table of precedence (R)
             $z   Table identification--table number (R)
             $8   Link and sequence number

 Indic/etc.: 1st: Type of instruction
             0 Citation and precedence order note
             1 Table of precedence
             2nd: Undefined; contains a blank (#)

2004 -02 -09
Auszug aus der allegro - Formatedatenbank
(c)2004 UB Braunschweig