MARC21 480 See From Tracing--General Subdivision (R)
$i Reference instruction phrase
$v Form subdivision (R)
$w Control subfield
** 0 Special relationship
.... a Earlier heading
.... b Later heading
.... d Acronym
.... f Musical composition
.... g Broader term
.... h Narrower term
.... i Reference instruction phrase in subfield$i
.... n Not applicable
** 1 Tracing use restriction
.... a Name reference structure only
.... b Subject reference structure only
.... c Series reference structure only
.... d Name and subject reference structures
.... e Name and series reference structures
.... f Subject and series reference structures
.... g Name, subject, and series reference structures
.... n Not applicable
** 2 Earlier form of heading
.... a Pre-AACR 2 form of heading (national name authority file)
.... e Earlier established form of heading (national authority file)
.... o Earlier established form of heading (other authority file)
.... n Not applicable
** 3 Reference display
.... a Reference not displayed
.... b Reference not displayed, field 664 used
.... c Reference not displayed, field 663 used
.... d Reference not displayed, field 665 used
.... n Not applicable
$x General subdivision (R)
$y Chronological subdivision (R)
$z Geographic subdivision (R)
$5 Institution to which field applies (R)
$6 Linkage
Auszug aus der allegro -
Formatedatenbank(c)2004 UB Braunschweig