MARC21 864 Enumeration and Chronology--Supplementary Material (R)
$a First level of enumeration
$b Second level of enumeration
$c Third level of enumeration
$d Fourth level of enumeration
$e Fifth level of enumeration
$f Sixth level of enumeration
$g Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration
$h Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration
$i First level of chronology
$j Second level of chronology
$k Third level of chronology
$l Fourth level of chronology
$m Alternative numbering scheme, chronology
$n Converted Gregorian year
$o Title of supplementary material
$p Piece designation
$q Piece physical condition
$s Copyright article-fee code (R)
$t Copy number
$w Break indicator
$x Nonpublic note (R)
$z Public note (R)
$6 Linkage
$8 Link and sequence number
Indic/etc.: 1st: Field encoding level
# No information provided
3 Holdings level 3
4 Holdings level 4
5 Holdings level 4 with piece designation
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Formatedatenbank(c)2004 UB Braunschweig