MARC21 774 Constituent unit entry [NEW]
$a Main entry heading
$b Edition
$c Qualifying information
$d Place, publisher, and date of publication
$g Relationship information (R)
$h Physical description of source
$i Display text
$k Series data for related item (R)
$m Material-specific details
$n Note (R)
$o Other item identifier
$r Report number
$s Uniform title
$t Title
$u Standard Technical Report Number
$w Record control number (R)
$x International Standard Serial Number
$y CODEN designation
$z International Standard Book Number (R)
$6 Linkage
$7 Control subfieldord (see 772)
Indic/etc.: 1st: Note controller
0 Display note
1 Do not display note
2nd: Undefined; contains a blank (#)
Auszug aus der allegro -
Formatedatenbank(c)2004 UB Braunschweig