Einheitssachtitel als Schlagwort
engl.: Subject added entry - Uniform title heading
MARC21 630 Subject Added Entry--Uniform Title (R)
$a Uniform title
$d Date of treaty signing (R)
$f Date of a work
$g Miscellaneous information
$h Medium
$k Form subheading (R)
$l Language of a work
$m Medium of performance for music (R)
$n Number of part/section of a work (R)
$o Arranged statement for music
$p Name of part/section of a work (R)
$r Key for music
$s Version
$t Title of a work
$v Form subdivision (R) [NEW]
$x General subdivision (R)
$y Chronological subdivision (R)
$z Geographic subdivision (R)
$2 Source of heading or term
$3 Materials specified
$6 Linkage
Indic/etc.: 1st: Nonfiling characters
0-9 Number of nonfiling characters present
# Nonfiling characters not specified [obs.]
2nd: Subject heading system/thesaurus
0 Library of Congress Subject Headings/LC authority files
1 LC subject headings for children's literature
2 Medical Subject Headings/NLM authority files
3 National Agricultural Library subject authority file
4 Source not specified
5 Canadian Subject Headings/NLC authority file
6 Repertoire des vedettes-matiere/NLC authority file
7 Source specified in subfield $2
UKMARC 640 Uniform title subject heading
$a Uniform title
$d Medium of performance (music)
$e Serial number (music)
$g Number within opus (music)
$h Key (music)
$j Parenthetical identifying element (Ordnungshilfe)
$k Arrangement (music)
$o Year of imprint
$p Subheading
$q Version of Bible
$r Language
$s Part of work
$x Subject or form subdivision
$y Period subdivision
$z Place subdivision
Auszug aus der allegro -
Formatedatenbank(c)2004 UB Braunschweig